Today I Googled

This is a blog for those who don't have a lot time, well... except when it comes to reading up on trivial information. FACT: I love learning. I love random information. I love google.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today I Googled Whipper-Snapper

Google, where does the term “whipper-snapper” originate?

This post will put an early morning debate to rest (Joel we can now get some sleep at night).

In 17th century Europe young and upcoming, self important, cheeky, presumptuous schmucks would try to make themselves look important and superior by constantly cracking/snapping a short whip which they carried in hopes of commanding attention and respect. The older generation started calling them “whipper-snappers” it was adopted in America in the 1700s.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. closure... and yet, sorrow?
