Google, compare and contrast supper and dinner.
Answer: Insufficient information. Google was not ready for this inquiry... It seems no one really knows or can really be sure that there is a difference and if so what it might be. Every article I came across seemed to attest to something completely different BUT the majority went with something like this: “Dinner” is the biggest meal of the day while “supper” is the last meal of the day (and is usually lighter). What!?! Who in the world can eat/cook that many meals per day??............. Mamma... is that you? have you been Googleing again?? : )
Answer: Insufficient information. Google was not ready for this inquiry... It seems no one really knows or can really be sure that there is a difference and if so what it might be. Every article I came across seemed to attest to something completely different BUT the majority went with something like this: “Dinner” is the biggest meal of the day while “supper” is the last meal of the day (and is usually lighter). What!?! Who in the world can eat/cook that many meals per day??............. Mamma... is that you? have you been Googleing again?? : )
truly a conundrum for the ages. "When to dine and when to sup" could replace "what came first, the chicken or the egg" as the most important question in the history of our species... and other species that we eat for dinner... or supper.. that may or may not have come before an egg...