Today I Googled

This is a blog for those who don't have a lot time, well... except when it comes to reading up on trivial information. FACT: I love learning. I love random information. I love google.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today I Googled Hippo vs Firearm

Google, is a Hippo really bullet proof??

FACT: Hippos ARE bullet proof.. well pretty much.

A hippo’s skin is 1.5 inches thick and an average bullet will not even penetrate the dermis. The only way to affect a hippo is to shoot it in a vulnerable spot like the eye which, let’s be honest, is only going to enrage this already temperamental brute. Hippos are responsible for the most human deaths in Africa and, well without an elephant tranquilizer (which may not even prove affective in an emergency situation), there is absolutely nothing one can do if a hippo decides to charge. Now let’s enjoy a little poem about the subject by one of my favorite authors of all time .. Shel Silverstein : )

A hippo sandwich is easy to make.
All you do is simply take
One slice of bread,
One slice of cake,
Some mayonnaise
One onion ring,
One hippopotamus
One piece of string,
A dash of pepper --
That ought to do it.
And now comes the problem...
Biting into it!

P.S. Can we please take a moment to note the irony of the above picture.

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