Google, what do I do in the case of B.O.M.P?
B.O.M.P- for those of you who are unacquainted with this neo-acronym, is in reference to the “Beans on my Pants” phenomenon. Usually I do not take requests as to what I Google, but this seems to be a reoccurring concern that I feel should be addressed. Picture this: you are sitting at a picnic table on a brisk summer day with a close group of friends (and maybe even a few uninvited free loaders), you have your freshly topped ice cold beer in one hand and in the other a paper plate laden with fried chicken, corn on the cob, cornbread, and (you bet ya) a heaping pile of piping hot bbq beans. Just as you bend down to make a spot for your overloaded platter of delectables, your plate gives way to the thick hearty mound of barbeque sauce that has sopped its way through your trusty Dixie. You have just found yourself in a B.O.M.P situation. DON’T PANIC. Follow these Google derived steps to ensure proper B.O.M.P. reversal. 1. Rinse: If the stain has not set in rinse with cold water from the back of the stain. 2. Dry: Pat dry DO NOT rub as this will further instigate the B.O.M.P predicament. 3. Clean: If white (or colorfast) pants dab with bleach, peroxide, or lemon juice. If you were wearing jeans or a delicate fabric during your B.O.M.P encounter, skip steps 1 and 2 and just let it dry completely, then use a dry fabric brush to sweep out the sauce and follow with a detergent wash. DISCLAIMER: The aforementioned instructions are specific to barbeque B.O.M.P. situations and are, therefore, not guaranteed to be affective in all B.O.M.P. scenarios.
This situation is a frequent one during the summertime thank you for the insight!