Google, what is the most foul smelling animal on the planet?
The Zorilla (regrettably not a mix between a gorilla and a zebra as I had first envisioned when coming across the name) is the most stank animal in the entire world. Though commonly referred to as the “striped polecat” , this animal is more closely related to the weasel than to the skunk family. The Zorilla lives in Africa and has few known predators because their anal glands smell so horrific they can choke a tiger from 1.5 miles away!!! Step aside Kanye this animal might have taken your spot for the most putrid existence on this planet.
The Zorilla (regrettably not a mix between a gorilla and a zebra as I had first envisioned when coming across the name) is the most stank animal in the entire world. Though commonly referred to as the “striped polecat” , this animal is more closely related to the weasel than to the skunk family. The Zorilla lives in Africa and has few known predators because their anal glands smell so horrific they can choke a tiger from 1.5 miles away!!! Step aside Kanye this animal might have taken your spot for the most putrid existence on this planet.
P.S. I still want to boop his lil nose!
lol aaaboooooooooooop!!! ehboooooop! I will have him as a guest at our dinner party. He can reguile our congregation with cantakarous humour and foofy fart jokes! hazzaah!! booooop!!